Ys X: Nordics Secret Ending Explained | A Hint of the Future for the Ys Franchise?|Game8 (2025)

Ys X: Nordics Secret Ending Explained | A Hint of the Future for the Ys Franchise?|Game8 (1)

Ys X: Nordics surprised fans with a secret ending that left many both shocked and puzzled, sparking speculation about what’s next for the series. Read on for a guide on unlocking this hidden ending, along with our interpretation and thoughts on what it means for future games.

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Ys X: Nordrics Secret Ending

How To Get the Secret Ending?

Ys X: Nordics Secret Ending Explained | A Hint of the Future for the Ys Franchise?|Game8 (2)

Ys X: Nordics is the latest installment in the beloved Ys franchise, once again following the adventurous Adol as he explores new parts of the world of Celceta. This time, the story takes us to a younger Adol, 17 years old, and slots between the events of Ys II and Ys IV.

Most games in the Ys series follow a fairly linear structure, with few exceptions like Ys Origin, so players were surprised to discover an elusive secret ending hidden within Nordics. This blink-and-you’ll-miss-it scene not only serves as fan service for longtime fans but also drops some intriguing hints about the future of the Ys games.

Before diving into our analysis, let’s go over how to unlock the secret scene in Ys X: Nordics. While the game features only one main ending, this additional scene provides intriguing details that enhance the ending and offer hints about the franchise's future. Many players miss it, as the game doesn’t hint at its existence, and it requires a bit of extra effort. Thankfully, once you know what to do, it’s straightforward to access.

Warning! From here forward, it will contain full spoilers for Ys X: Nordics

At the end of the game, as you’re saying your goodbyes in Karnak, make sure that before you leave, return to the lighthouse and enter the first dungeon. There, you’ll find the rune stone—simply interact with it to unlock the secret scene.

What Happens in the Secret Ending

Ys X: Nordics Secret Ending Explained | A Hint of the Future for the Ys Franchise?|Game8 (3)

When Adol interacts with the rune stone, he receives a vision of a cold, snow-covered landscape filled with mountains and forests. In this vision, a dialogue unfolds between two mysterious figures. Here’s how their conversation goes:

Man 1: The North sure is cold. Has it really been 46 years...? Hard to believe their fleet just vanished, like that—right after achieving their dream, too.

Man 2: Yeah, doesn’t sit right with me. Smells like foul play. You-know-who always did have a way of meddling with people’s fates.

Man 1: Makes sense… Hard to imagine her falling by the wayside otherwise. We’d better brace ourselves, though, if that’s what we’re facing.

Man 2: …Sorry for dragging you into this.

Man 1: Heh. A little late for that now. Even if you refused, I’d still have to keep my promise to her.

Man 2: Then let’s get moving. We need to be out of here before sundown.

The scene ends with Adol wondering if this vision might be from the past, given that the rune stones are ancient monoliths crafted by the Normans to record their history.

A Potential Easter Egg to Ys XI

Ys X: Nordics Secret Ending Explained | A Hint of the Future for the Ys Franchise?|Game8 (4)

Based on our interpretation of the scene, we strongly believe that the voices in the vision belong to Adol and his best friend, Dogi. The vision seems to take place in the future, as one of the characters mentions that it's already been 46 years. This would put Adol and Dogi at around 63 years old at the time.

For context, Adol has been documenting his adventures since he was 16, and by now, he’s written nearly 100 books chronicling his travels across various lands. One of his biggest regrets, however, was never reaching the North Pole.

It’s known through the series that Adol passed away at age 63, which suggests that this vision might represent his final journey. Connecting this with his previous regret about not reaching the North Pole, it's possible that this vision marks his attempt to finally achieve that goal, possibly setting the stage for the next game in the series, Ys XI.

Ys X: Nordics Secret Ending Explained | A Hint of the Future for the Ys Franchise?|Game8 (5)

There's also speculation that the girl mentioned in the vision could be Karja, as she has a fleet of her own and makes her debut in Ys X: Nordics. This theory is supported further by Dogi’s statement about keeping a promise, which likely refers to a promise he made to Karja before leaving the town. Based on this, it seems likely that the next game will focus on Adol and Dogi’s journey to the North Pole to rescue Karja.

While it's possible that this could be the final chapter in Adol’s story, there’s still so much potential for more adventures. Since Ys X: Nordics takes place in the past, it’s safe to assume that more games featuring Adol’s journeys will follow different points of his adventures.

The Future of Ys Games

Ys X: Nordics Secret Ending Explained | A Hint of the Future for the Ys Franchise?|Game8 (6)

While there’s no concrete announcement about the next Ys game, Falcom President Toshihiro Kondo hinted at Anime Expo 2024 in an interview with Noisy Pixel that the team is working on a project that could be considered a remake. We may hear more about this title before the year ends. After Ys X: Nordics, fans can look forward to the localization of Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana, expected in early 2025.

In another interview with GameSpot, Kondo mentioned that Falcom is considering developing a brand-new IP, stating that many of their seasoned developers are eager to experiment with genres beyond the main Ys and Trails series. This could mean we won’t see a new Trails game immediately, especially considering there was a five-year gap between Ys IX and Ys X in Japan.

Kondo’s interview with The Sixth Axis shed light on Adol as the avatar through which players experience Ys stories. This narrative approach has become core to the series’ identity. While Kondo mentioned that Adol remains central to Ys, he acknowledged that a future game could break from tradition.

If we were to see a mainline Ys game without Adol, it would likely resemble Ys Origin, which featured other characters with distinct personalities like Yunica and Hugo, rather than the customizable avatar experience with Adol.


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Uriel RodriguezWriter | Gamer | Self-Proclaimed Digimon/Sujimon/Persona/Palworld/Pokémon Master
Ys X: Nordics Secret Ending Explained | A Hint of the Future for the Ys Franchise?|Game8 (2025)


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